Who are Leather and Lace?
We are relationship experts and real people!
Alison Blackman Dunham and Anthony Sabatini are relationship advisors/sexperts also known as “Leather” and “Lace.” “Lace” is Alison Blackman Dunham, also known as “Advice Sister Alison.” “Both Alison and Tony have been married (to other partners) for many years. Leather” is Anthony Sabatini. Together, Alison and Tony combine to offer readers a unique perspective on life and relationships, with a male/female “Double-Take” format featuring two very different views on the same subject. This offers readers a more complete picture of how one might handle a problem or situation. Both Alison and Tony also provide real time online relationship and sex advice as “Leather & Lace” via Wizpert.com.
Alison’s experience as an advice columnist and relationship expert comes from more than 2 1/2 decades of writing, advising, and working with people of different ages, cultures and interests, around the world. She is the co-creator of the Advice Sisters, widely credited with bringing the advice genre, online more than 2 ½ decades ago (*in: Marriage and Family Experience: Relationships Changing Society 8th Edition by Bryan Strong, Christine DeVault, Theodore F. Cohen, Thompson-Wadsworth Publishers, 2004). She is the author of several self-help books including: The Everything Dating Book, 2nd Edition (Adams Media, 2005), Recruiting Love- Using The Business Skills You Have to Find the Love You Want (Cyclone Books, 1998), You Are the Product- How To Sell Yourself To Employers (Piggle Press, 2000/Fabjob 1999), and Feel Great Be Great While You Date (advicesisters, 2004) and four E-books on social behavior, dating, and wedding etiquette. She is a contributing author to: How To Survive Dating by Mark W. Bernstein (Hundreds of Heads Books, Inc., 2004) and The Last Job Search Guide You’ll Ever Need – How to Find and Get the Job or Internship of Your Dream, compiled by Steven J. Rothberg (CollegeRecruiter.com Books, 2002). Alison produced and directed “Making New Connections,” a series of 5 compact disks about improving sociability. Alison’s web sites are The Advice Sisters http://advicesisters.com and http://alisonblackman.info
As a consultant, Tony has also functioned as an expert advisor, helping people of varying cultural and educational backgrounds, ages, and interests, to solve their problems and issues. He has also mentored a number of people in more personal ways, offering wisdom and guidance. Tony’s specific field of interest has been that of women. He has extensively studied the sexual and social behavior of women and channels his keen insights about roles and identity, sexuality, and issues of women and their relationships as the author of “A Young Woman’s Guide.”
Alison and Tony are currently consultants to the Sinclair Institute as relationship experts. They are considered to be the virtual friends to adults around the world. You can visit them on their advice web sites Leather and Lace Advice http://leatherandlaceadvice.com (general dating & relationship advice) and Leather and Lace SPICE http://leatherandlacespice.com (more mature content). Follow them on Twitter @leatherlaceadv and @LeatherNLaceSpi and on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LeatherandLaceAdvSpice
Both Alison and Tony believe that most people have the capacity within themselves to create better, happier lives but that sometimes they just need some inspiration, information, and motivation to jump start their own, creative thinking. Alison and Tony offer general advice that can apply to a majority of people in the majority of situations. However, they recognize that each reader is unique. How you process their advice and how you chose to use it to suit your own issues (or similar ones), will be different. This site has lots of different, impartial, and unique ways help you reach your goals, including the signature “Double-Take” (two answers for each question) Q&A format . Much of the content here is geared towards adults who are seeking romantic relationships, but the world is full of non-romantic, relationship-oriented situations, too. You will also find much to guide you in all facets of your life. ” Take from us both our leather and our lace, and make life easier, more successful, and more fun.
Alison -LACE: Together with my genuine twin sister Jessica, we created The Advice Sisters website but when Jessica suddenly passed away, I stopped writing with our Double Take advice fomat. Now I’ve teamed up with Tony Sabatini ( as “Leather”) to offer my woman’s perspective to his man’s perspective on a variety of relationship issues. We have very different ideas, and that’s precisely why you’ll get more out of reading our advice — because men and women really do look at issues differently. In fact, the name of our Leather and Lace websites is inspired by a line in the Stevie Nicks song Leather & Lace: “Give to me your leather, take from me, my lace.” to reflect the fact that men and women have different ways of solving problems and viewing issues, and together, they give a more complete picture of how one might handle a problem or situation.
Tony-LEATHER: I have always wanted a daughter. I was never a great “guy” so I felt I had little to offer as a role model to a son. I just always wanted to be a great dad, or at the very least a friend, offering wisdom and guidance when someone was willing to accept it. I was never blessed with a daughter but instead have helped and mentored a number of young women. Now with Alison, I am opening my advice up to both women and men. The advice is sincere and hopefully well thought out. I can only hope that I help you or at least make the world more comprehensible. Most of the advice I’m offering at leatherandlaceadvice.com is general enough to apply to a majority of people in the majority of situations, but each reader is unique. How you process what we write, and how you chose to use the advice to suit your own issues (or similar ones), will be different. Thus as they say on the car ads “your mileage may vary.”
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We’re not going to bludgeon you with tons of information that takes you an hour to read, but we’d like you to get to know us.
Leatherandlaceadvice.com has a loyal, enthusiastic audience of primarily men and women (18-65) who are either single or in a relationship. They read our site to learn to how make their relationships more satisfying, whether it’s family, friends, co-workers, difficult people impacting their lives, and most importantly, to find a romantic relationship, or maintain one. On Leatherandlaceadvice.com they know they will find original articles that are relevant to most adult readers, including our signature Double-Take (two views, his and hers) Q&A, and real features and real reviews with real substance.
We strive to be entertaining, but also informational and inspirational in a tasteful, responsible way. We almost never just post photos and press releases. We want our readers to have a personal experience and get a holistic view of relationship issues, and genuine, personal reviews of products or services that can help them decide whether or not they’d want to investigate that item, service or experience, further.
We have a good social media rating and none of our followers are eggs or purchased, or anyone who appears” scketchy.” Our Alexa rating as of August 2015 is good for a young site: Globally: 1,489,264 and in the United States it’s 429,761 (putting us in the top half million internet sites out there).
*Note: Alison Blackman is not only credited with bringing the advice genre online, she is the Publisher and Editor in Chief of The Advice Sisters (advicesisters.com) is not just credited with bringing the advice genre online, she offers discounts for those who want to advertise or place an advertorial, have a twitter party, contest or give-away. Click here for details. Contact Alison with your vision and needs and she will customize to fit your needs, vision and budge with a quote, no obligation of course.
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