(c) 2013 LeatherAndLaceAdvice.com
LeatherandLaceadvice, LLC
This site offers thought-provoking edu-tainment based on our life experiences and what information you, our dear readers, care to share with us. This website contains our comments on real situations by real people but the comments are directed at all of our readers, not just one person.
You may know someone who has the issue you’re reading about, or a similar one. We welcome your comments on every post and we would love to hear from you so please send your questions.
Q&A Privacy:
Leather and Lace are Alison Blackman and Tony Sabatini. We are real people, not avatars or ghost writers for a company. We believe in protecting your privacy as we would wish others protect ours. We stake our sterling reputations on this. We will never broadcast personal information, or sell or share it with anyone. We are careful about the advertisers we work with, and expect them to respect and operate within our policies. This is our personal pledge to you.
Our readers come from around the world, including many from the EU. Due to this as of 2016, we have a disclaimer that our site uses cookies. We also use Google Analytics and have set our preferences to remove any data they collect as quickly as possible.
A “cookie” is a small piece of data that a website asks your browser to store on your computer or mobile device that lets a website to remember your actions or preferences as you browse the web.
That’s why if you’re shopping for specific brands of shoes, for example, that brand might show up on your Facebook page.
Cookies can also help remember your preferences so you don’t have to log in every time you show up at a site or remember information.
Most browsers support cookies, but users can set their browsers to decline them and can delete them whenever they like. We do not do anything with our cookies, although sometimes, we bake cookies and eat them (we like sugar cookies the best).
We’re not using your information for any purpose whatsoever. If you want to connect with us you may use our contact form.
The Internet isn’t completely within our control, although we do our best to protect your information and your privacy.
If you click on a link from advicesisters.com (or any site) to other websites or social media, they may treat your information differently. We cannot be responsible for their actions.
Safety: The net is not anonymous, and what you put online without thinking about it, could be there forever. Please partner with us to protect everyone’s safety. There are real people with real feelings on the other side of your computer screen. Be responsible. Any kind of harassment, malicious, inflammatory, or pornographic comments or other materials, are not acceptable on our web site. Neither are spam or self-serving rants (you already know this).
Advice: We understand that while reading and responding to questions is entertaining, it is also educational and can affect people’s lives. What is here is personal opinion and sometimes, you might not agree with it. Take what you value, but if you are in personal peril, we urge you to seek professional guidance or legal protection.. You are also invited and encouraged to comment on the content in leatherandlaceadvice.com, but do so responsibly and appropriately. If you are unhappy about something, please contact us (we do read our mail).
Copyright Information:
leatherandlaceadvice is pending U.S. Registered Trademark. All rights to content: text, graphics, photos and video, whether found directly on The Leather and Lace Advice web properties, or on a blog feed, or elsewhere, are the intellectual property of Leather and Lace Advice. We will protect our rights vigorously with every measure possible, and we take violations very seriously.
If you want to quote or use something you see on leatherandlaceadvice.com, do it legally by offering compensation and getting permission. By re-publication without permission you agree to be bound by our copyrights and terms of service and to pay a rate, determined by us, for use of the material.
In addition, leatherandlaceadvice.com can, and will take any action necessary, and also make a formal notification of any violation to hosts and advertisers under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
If you have any additional questions or concerns about the Advice Sisters privacy policy & disclosure, please feel free to Contact Us.
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