Umie by Tantriss Sensually Connects To You By App, Phone, Bluetooth
Looking at the Umie by Tantriss, our first impression is that it’s prettier than many adult toys.
It’s a pleasant pink with a gold band separating the functional portion of the unit from the control portion.
The shape is very pleasant slightly oval and slightly bigger at the function end but its true elegance is it’s organically blended shape which makes it all a combination of gentle curves.
Functionally, Tantriss has checked off all of the boxes on the Umi for features you would want in such a unit. it is washable, has enough buttons (four) so that turning it on and off and selecting programs, functions, and speeds is not a total adventure in the name of setting a cheap digital wristwatch.
It’s washable (for starters)., has enough buttons (four) so that turning it on and off and selecting programs,
There are four buttons, so turning it on and off and selecting programs, functions, and speeds is not a total adventure in the name of setting a cheap digital wristwatch.
Umie is waterproof and submersible for up to 30 minutes, covered in a body of safe silicon and equipped with a high capacity Lithium battery, fast charge and up to 4 hours of battery life.WhatTo
To maintain a waterproof outside, the power adaptor uses a sealed connector of the form most often seen in laptop power (not a micro USB or Lightning connector).
However, it can be charged from the USB c0rd by removing its plug-in charger,
What truly sets this device apart and justifies its price is that through the downloadable app for your smart phone you can control all of the functions of the unit: setting its intensity, program (rhytmatic change over time), whether it reacts to music or video or voice, and custom (allows you to draw its intensity over time pattern).
Fun App!
For singles or couples, it’s just fun to play with settings. But, it ‘s also a very functional unit for its intended purpose (offering sensual pleasure).
The Umie by Tantriss will deliver the amount of vibration and heat to relax you in exactly the way that you desire and it is, by the way, just $150 which isn’t bad for an adult toy of this complexity and quality.
Since it’s long and curved, it can reach those places (e.g. the G-spot) to derive the maximum usefulness.
Umie is advertised as being able to connect to from anywhere in the world *at press time that functionality wasn’t released yet.
Unless you are an octopus you’re not going to be able to easily change the settings on your phone while using the device. You’re best off figuring out the exact settings if you’re flying solo with this one.
Be careful with the temperature settings. The Umie can get very hot (UMIE has a heatable body with the ability to reach temperatures of 103 degrees) and the areas you are using this one (need we remind you) can be very sensitive!
The Bottom Line:
All in all, we think the Umie by Tantriss provides a first class experience, especially when compared to similar adult pleasure objects. It offers a fun experience whether you’re trying to connect with a partner, or simply provide a sensual experience for yourself.
We look forward to an update for the app, as well.
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