Sophie is adorable, isn’t she? But she has asked us to re-post her request on this web site and since she is a dog (and dogs generally are not good typists), Alison aka. “Lace” is doing it for her. The point is, we would like to add a pet-human relationships advice section to the web sites leather and lace advice and leather and lace spice, and, because so many relationships have issues surrounding our wonderful (or not so wonderful) pets. But there has to be enough interest, interaction and reader questions to make it viable. So Sophie has asked us to reach out to you, and share her Facebook request, because she really wants this relationship advice column to happen!
Think about how many times a pet has helped, or hurt, a relationship you’ve had with another person? But where can you really go for advice? No one is answering these difficult questions. We will, for Sophie, and for all the pet lovers (and those who have problems with other people’s pets) out there, but only if there is a definite show of support first. So please share this on social media, and anywhere else you can think of where people, and pets, are an interest. If you think a pet/people/relationships column is a good idea, help Sophie out and use this contact form to ask a question, send comments, etc.
Here are all the ways you can contact contact and share. Sophie thanks you in advance
The Advice Sisters Beauty/Fashion/Lifestyle &
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Facebook: Alison Blackman Dunham & Advicesisters and Leather and Lace Advice & SPICE
Send her your questions–all questions answered and privacy is kept private!Friend Alison, and send her your questions! If enough animal lovers send their questions, the advice website will add a new column to discuss pets!
Alison Blackman Dunham
Lives in New York, New York
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